small talk

say the weather
it is small talk why
even talk about it
The weather is like God
You can protect yourself to a point,
but you always live inside.


i am not a clarifier
nor answerer

i am good

and not take me bitterly
as medicine not trusted

The wind is still a friend

The wind is still 
a friend blowing through you unmovable
letting you let go

emptying your shoes of blood
opening both your right and your left eye
sow with both hands

your body heavy with dreams
dropping like a cut anchor


Pinches of food, pungent, but
out, way out, 
away from the house
untouched except by ants and flies

I kept at it
nightly watching the waves of dark
lap and twist
around a form denser

My imagination grew strong waiting, cast 
like a fine net into shadows
sunken from view
I, outside or within