Waiting Out Truth

I want to see it when the first cloud lets go
I want to have it memorized before I write one word
truth tries to shake me, wanting to be left alone
to happen in secret
It sends the ants in a storm underfoot
but I don't leave the side
of the heavy striped sky
It sends the day's plans, its time
but I only watch the mosquitoes clear out of the way
I will wait for you, truth
I know you plan to fall here,
out of the way
as we run for cover of roofs
But the Lord has said
wherever I turn, he will whisper your whereabouts
And I will even enjoy waiting on you
as the moss enjoys itself in the wintertime.

may 7, 09

1 comment:

Sammie said...

truth. how elusive it is sometimes. your poem is more faithful than the words on my heart.