Techno and Roosters

There's the off beat of
techno and roosters,
the old man climbing a ladder
to hang his blanket on a line.
He told me, I want you to be more careful,
don't flail off from up there,
had I done that?
It seemed obvious.
He asked me to be more aware of myself.
"but it's myself who's not aware of me!"
I thought.
how childish.
I tried stepping, controlling my legs
I bounced and caught myself
with my head against a window frame.
He didn't have to ask see?
I didn't say I did.
I nodded, even after he left, I was
still there nodding,
until I noticed my neck bobbed in time
with the techno and roosters.
I checked for the man. He was down safely.
The blanket was up.

mar 17, 09

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