To see the way that light attaches to a girl:

The warm coconut smell

That I knew was tanning oil
but it sealed our closeness,
making us faraway and secret.

Days were dragging us,

Leaving lightly beaten paths.

Strange and timeless.

Strange the unexplained pain.

Strange how we escaped together,

And the strange overbearance of coconut oil.
Somehow we cast an unforgetting spell

However vague and hidden

we opened everything
and looked in.
except each others eyes,

Out of everyone

I will not remember your eyes.

Sharing the uncomfortable pile of yourself

Landing at your feet

Only to forget it until later

Only to forget you until later

Only to remember I didn’t see you in the eye,

That it wasn’t about finding you

But about letting you break apart.

And as you did, I could too.

Something no one had ever let us do

A strange movement we could not refuse

Once invited.

A strange way that we found together

That will never find us together.

And how elusive mornings and evenings crowd around

Unlikely lessons

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