
Tonight it rains and unravels everything.
Unravels the sky and the clouds that have been sticking and bumping together
Unravels the soil and the streets it runs into
Unravels my tight straightened hair back to its natural mayhem
Unravels today and yesterday and the year and the years
Unravels it back to you
Whom I should have never let unravel.
You, come undone
Opened my fingers, closed my eyes, unraveled

Myself unraveling in the rain
Feeling just like that
Finally feeling just like I should have
And wanting it back, even just the ends

Running my fingers through the strands left dangling
Your smell that I lived in because you stood close to me
Your voice so different, magnifying and understating the things you wondered
Especially the way of your hands. I see them in front of your face
I see your eyes constant and your hands working in front of them
Working out what you didn’t understand
Working out your fear and guilt and pain
Working out your love.
I run my fingers, run myself, through you again
Like walking through a wall of rain
Unraveling everything
Leaving its traces on my hair and skin
I unravel back to you for a remnant.

November 14, 2006

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